Where do colombian flowers go?

"Colombia has more than 45 years of export experience in the flower chain. It's the first supplier for the United States and the second largest exporter of fresh flowers to the world.

With more than 1,500 varieties of flowers identified and more than 7,000 hectares cultivated, Colombia has the ideal conditions for the cultivation of a wide variety of flowers and allows the production of them throughout the year due to the fertile soil and climatic conditions."



In the visualization below it's presented the colombian flowers exportation information since january 2006 to february 2018. The data was published by colombian Ministry of Agriculture in the open data web page for colombia www.datos.gov.co.

filter_list Hover your mouse over the departments and country names to get more information and use the following select box to filter the results by year.

insert_chart Colombian flowers exportation
Value of Flowers Exported (x1000 COP)
(A --- B) reads: A exports flowers to B
(A --- B) reads: A imports flowers from B
Note: PFTZ stands for Permanent Free Trade Zone. Click here for more info

About the vis


Dataset Type: Network.

Items(Nodes): Place (Colombian departments and Countries)

Link: Department → Country


  1. Value (Ordered, Quantitative, Sequential)

  • Summarize from which departments are exported colombian flowers to which countries. (Summarize - Paths)(Lookup - Features)
  • Identify Colombia's most important clients. (Identify - Outliers)

  • Encode:
    • [Nodes] Separate, Order.
  • Mark: Lines
  • Channels:
    • [1] Color (Hue)

  • Bogotá is the most important flower exporter department in Colombia by far.
  • USA is the most important colombian client in the flowers business.
  • There are 4 departments that export flowers to the five continents: Bogotá, Cundinamarca, Antioquia and Valle del Cauca.
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